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Babysitter Deactivation Policy


Our goal at Millennial R&D, LLC is childcare as affordable, convenient, flexible and secure. We do that today by connecting parents who need a babysitter with babysitters wanting to provide a service. It’s about getting a babysitter to watch over your child (children) and work at the push of a button. This is only possible when customers trust babysitters, and vice versa. That’s why Millennial R&D, LLC has Community Guidelines that set out the behavior expected from both sides. Customers or babysitters who do not follow these Guidelines may lose access to liTTLE bUNNY app, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the seriousness of the breach.


When a babysitter’s account is deactivated, even if only temporarily, it limits their ability to earn income. So, it’s important to have a clear, published policy that explains: the circumstances in which babysitters are denied access to Millennial R&D, LLC; how (if at all) they can use the app again; and if babysitters can appeal these decisions [1]. There will always be unforeseen events that may ultimately lead to deactivation - and we’ll update this policy regularly - but the following are sufficient cause for deactivation: quality; fraud; safety and discrimination.



Customers who use liTTLE bUNNY expect their babysitters to safely perform, as well as be courteous and professional. The higher the quality of the service, the more customers want to request a babysitting service, which in turn means more opportunities for babysitters to earn money. Poor service has the opposite effect over time.


There are several ways we measure babysitter quality, with the most important being reviews and ratings.




After a babysitting session, babysitters and customers rate each other and give feedback on how the babysitting service went. This two-way system holds everyone accountable for their own behavior. Accountability helps create a respectful, safe environment for customers and babysitters. Babysitters can see their current rating in the Ratings tab of the liTTLE bUNNY app and/or Partner app.


The Rating. Your rating is based on an average of the number of post-babysitting service stars customers gave you (from 1 to 5 stars), up to your last 500 rated babysitting services or the total number of rated babysitting services you’ve taken, if less than 500.


The easiest way to keep your average rating high is to provide good service on every babysitting service. Babysitters on the liTTLE bUNNY platform provide excellent service, so most babysitting services run smoothly. But we know that sometimes a babysitting service doesn’t go well—that’s why we only look at your average rating over your most recent 500 babysitting services (or your total rated babysitting service count, if under 500). This gives you the chance to improve over time.


Deactivation. There is a minimum average rating in each city. This is because there are cultural differences in the way people in different cities rate each other. We will alert you over time if your rating is under this limit, and you’ll also get information about quality improvement courses that may help you improve.


If your average rating still falls below the minimum after being notified, your account will be deactivated. Your account may be reactivated on the platform after you provide proof of the steps you’ve taken to improve, for example by taking one of the quality improvement courses.


Deactivation. Bad reviews and poor rating can ultimately lead to deactivation.

On Acceptance Rates: High acceptance rates are a critical part of reliable, high-quality service, but not accepting babysitting service requests does not lead to permanent deactivation.


Consistently accepting babysitting service requests helps maximize earnings for babysitters and keeps the system running smoothly. We know that sometimes things come up that prevent you from accepting every babysitting service request or you may want to take a break, but not accepting dispatches causes delays and degrades the reliability of the system.

If you are consistently not accepting babysitting service requests, we will notify you that your ability to remain online may be at risk. If your acceptance rate does not improve or you are declining more babysitting services than other babysitters in your city, you may not be able to go online for a short period of time.



Fraudulent activity undermines the trust on which Millennial R&D, LLC is built. That’s why we are constantly on the lookout for fraud by babysitters (and customers) who are gaming our systems.

Creating a duplicate account for fraudulent purposes -- including creating a new account after permanent deactivation -- is not allowed on the liTTLE bUNNY platform.


Deactivation. We will deactivate any account or accounts (including permanently) if we certify that they are associated with fraudulent activity, which may include: Deliberately increasing the time or distance of a babysitting service; Accepting babysitting services without the intention to complete, including provoking customers to cancel; Creating dummy customer or babysitter accounts for fraudulent purposes; Claiming fraudulent fees or charges, like false cleaning fees; and Intentionally accepting or completing fraudulent or falsified babysitting services.



Millennial R&D, LLC uses technology to keep customers and babysitters safe, for instance by GPS-tracking every babysitting session and allowing customers to share their babysitting sessions in real time with families or friends. This is all backed up by a robust system of pre-screenings of babysitters. We also have a dedicated incident response team on call 24/7 to investigate safety incidents.


Actions that threaten the safety of customers and babysitters may be investigated and, if confirmed, will lead to permanent deactivation. As a precaution, after receiving a complaint we may temporarily suspend a babysitter’s account until the issue is resolved.


Issues that can lead to deactivation include:


Millennial R&D, LLC’s Community Guidelines


All users of the liTTLE bUNNY platform—both customers and babysitters—agree to abide by our Community Guidelines while using the app. These Guidelines create a shared standard of respect, accountability and common courtesy for everyone in involved.


Deactivation. Millennial R&D, LLC may deactivate the account of any babysitter who does not follow these Guidelines, by engaging in, for example: Violent or inappropriate behavior, including unwanted contact; Abusive language; or Having illegal substances.


Zero Tolerance for Drugs & Alcohol

Millennial R&D, LLC does not tolerate the use of drugs or alcohol by babysitters while using the platform.

What leads to deactivation? The account of any babysitter found to be smoking, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol while using the liTTLE bUNNY platform will be permanently deactivated. Millennial R&D, LLC may also deactivate the account of any babysitter who receives several unconfirmed complaints of drug or alcohol use.

Compliance with the Law


We expect babysitters using the liTTLE bUNNY app to act in compliance with all relevant state, federal and local at all times. This includes meeting the regulatory requirements for childcare or for-hire babysitters in your area.

What leads to deactivation? Millennial R&D, LLC may permanently deactivate for activities such as: Engaging in serious illegal activity while using the liTTLE bUNNY app; Not maintaining appropriate childcare license when required by law.

Safe Babysitting


Customers expect babysitters using the liTTLE bUNNY app to be safe at all times.


Deactivation Millennial R&D, LLC will deactivate the account of any babysitter who receives several or serious complaints of poor, unsafe behavior while using the liTTLE bUNNY app.


Firearms Ban

Our goal is to ensure that everyone has a safe and reliable experience during and after the session. That's why Millennial R&D, LLC prohibits customers and babysitters from carrying firearms of any kind while using our app.

Anyone who violates this policy may lose access to liTTLE bUNNY.


Accurate Personal Information

The liTTLE bUNNY app is designed to give customers identifying information about babysitters and their vehicles, like their name, profile picture, vehicle model and license plate number, before the babysitting service begins. Inaccurate or outdated information creates confusion among customers and can diminish their experience with the liTTLE bUNNY platform.


Deactivation. We will deactivate for activities such as: Providing Millennial R&D, LLC with inaccurate information; Allowing someone else to use his or her account; and accepting  a babysitting service using an unregistered address.

In addition, we will take action to prevent any babysitter whose required documentation becomes invalid—like a babysitter’s license that expires—from going online until the babysitter provides Millennial R&D, LLC with updated information.


Background Checks

All babysitters wanting to use the Millennial R&D, LLC app are required to undergo a screening process to ensure safety and compliance with our criteria.


Deactivation. We will permanently deactivate a babysitter’s account if subsequent screening steps uncover a violation of Millennial R&D, LLC’s safety standards or of other criteria required by local regulators.


Unacceptable Activities

To maintain the transparency and safety of the Millennial R&D, LLC platform for all users, activities conducted outside of the monitored system of the Millennial R&D, LLC app—like anonymous pickups—are prohibited.


Deactivation. We will take action against a babysitter for activities such as: Accepting illegal street hails while using the liTTLE bUNNY app;Harming the business or brand, like unauthorized use of Millennial R&D, LLC‘s trademark or intellectual property, or otherwise violating the babysitters’ agreement with Millennial R&D, LLC; and Soliciting payment of fares outside the liTTLE bUNNY system.



liTTLE bUNNY team’s mission is to connect customers to cheap, easy and reliable childcare. We do not tolerate discrimination on our platform.


Deactivation. It is unacceptable to refuse to provide services based on characteristics like a person’s race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age or any other characteristic protected under relevant country or city law. Actions like these will result in permanent deactivation.


We want to help increase the childcare options for customers with disabilities. That’s why we have information available for babysitters on this topic. We expect babysitters using the liTTLE bUNNY app to comply with all relevant city, country and local laws governing childcare for customers with disabilities, including users of service animals.



If your account has been deactivated, you may be eligible for reactivation under certain circumstances. Contact Millennial R&D, LLC for more information.


Last updated: May 06, 2019








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