Ready to work on your own time ?
When you register as an independent babysitter/nanny, you can expect to make between $500 - $1700 /week, working on your own time, for as long as you'd like, with as many kids as you can handle.
You can do it even while taking care of your own children or siblings.
Great Rates & great service
Our services are very AFFORDABLE, FLEXIBLE and RELIABLE. You can have your children taken care of, for as little as 15 min or as long as 24 hours. There are no requirements regarding the number of days or number of hours you could have your child cared. We have a no-cancellation policy for our nannies/sitters and childcare specialists. We smoothly transfer a customer's request to another specialist if the first child care specialist or babysitter cannot make it, due to unforeseeable events (sickness, accidents, natural disaster...). Only customers can cancel requests at anytime. Our prices vary based on a list of factors, including time, number of children, children's age, and many different economic factors.